外国人人材紹介 ・特定技能外国人の登録支援機関 ・外国人人材採用コンサルタント・特定技能・技能実習等外国人雇用のエキスパート 株式会社KUS






受け入れ機関と送り出し機関が特定技能労働者の送出し業務を行うに当たっての条件を取り決めます。また、Recruitment Agreementと呼ばれる人材募集契約の取り交わしを行います。通常は受入れ機関代表者がフィリピンに渡航していただき、現地で契約の締結を行っていただきます。




1で作成したRecruitment Agreementや2で作成した書面をPOLOへ提出し、受入れ機関の存在及び労働条件確認を行います。書類提出後しばらくすると、POLOより受入れ機関宛面接の日時が通知されますので、通常は受入れ機関の代表者がその日程にあわせ東京若しくは大阪のPOLOに出向き、労働担当官との面接を受けます。後日、POLOより承認印が付された書類が送付されてきます。
















PDOSとはPre-Departure Orientation SeminarというOWWA(海外労働者福祉庁)が規定する内容を海外で就労するフィリピン国籍者に教育する出国前オリエンテーションセミナーの略称です。海外に就労目的で渡航するフィリピン国籍者は必ず受講しなければならない必須の講習です。もしもこれを受けていない場合には、フィリピンからの出国が許可されません。尚、ほとんどの送出し機関はPDOSを外部に委託しており、週1回の予定にあわせて実習生に受講させます。










[Specified Skilled Workers] POLO procedure flow [Philippines]

I will explain the procedure flow of POLO and POEA which are necessary for the employment of Filipino Specified Skilled Workers.

It is often said to be a difficult procedure, but it must be done because the procedure is set by the Philippine government.

This time, I will explain in an easy to understand wConsultation and conclusion of contracts concerning the acceptance of Specified Skilled Workers

  1. Consultation and conclusion of contracts concerning the acceptance of specific skilled workers

The receiving organization and the sending organization determine the conditions for the work of the Specified Skilled Workers. We also sign an agreement called a Recruitment Agreement. Usually, the representative of the accepting organization will travel to the Philippines and conclude the contract there.

2. Determination of employment conditions and preparation of documents at the accepting organization

In order to accept Filipino Specified Skilled Worker, you need to go through the procedures of POLO and POEA prior to the interview and immigration application. In addition, for that procedure, you need documents such as an employment contract that describes the working conditions for the hiring of worker by the accepting organization, so you need to confirm those conditions and prepare the documents first.

3. Labor Department of the Philippine Embassy (POLO) Procedures

Submit the Recruitment Agreement prepared in (1) and the documents prepared in (2) to POLO to confirm the existence of the accepting organization and working conditions. A short time after submitting the documents, the POLO will notify you of the date and time of the interview with the accepting organization. Usually, the representative of the accepting organization will go to the POLO in Tokyo or Osaka according to the schedule and have an interview with the labor officer. POLO will send you a document with a seal of approval at a later date.

Only direct contracts between the accepting organization and the sending organization are allowed to register with POLO.

4. Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) Procedures

Please send the document sent by POLO to the sending organization in (3), and then submit it to POEA via the sending organization. In this way, the fact of the contract between the accepting organization and the sending organization is checked, and the accepting organization and its job information are registered.

5. Recruitment of workers, interviews and contract of employment conditions

We will recruit and select candidates for workers who meet the conditions of the accepting organization.

We ask you to sign an employment contract with the candidate who was hired as a result of the interview.

6. Preparation of Immigration Application Documents

The sending agency in the Philippines prepares the necessary documents for the immigration application made by the receiving agency. Prepare various documents issued by POEA and other necessary documents and send them to the receiving institution.

7. Application for Grant of Status of Residence

The accepting organization directly applies to the nearest immigration office or indirectly applies for the issuance of a certificate of eligibility by requesting an application from an administrative scrivener.

8. Issuance of Certificate of Eligibility

The immigration office will issue a worker’s certificate of eligibility to the accepting organization. The certificate will then be sent to the sending agency in the Philippines.

9. Visa application

Prepare the necessary documents including the residence qualification certificate that has arrived in our company and apply for a worker’s visa. After a few days of examination, you will be issued a visa.

10. PDOS

PDOS is an abbreviation of Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar, which is a pre-departure orientation seminar to educate overseas Filipino nationals about the contents stipulated by the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA). This is a mandatory course that must be taken by all Filipino nationals traveling abroad for work purposes. If you have not received this, you will not be allowed to leave the Philippines. In addition, most sending organizations outsource the PDOS and have the trainees take the course on a weekly schedule.

11. POEA Procedure

The Specified Skilled Worker will able to go to Japan after receiving OEC by submitting the proof of PDOS and other documents to POEA again.

12. Coming to Japan

After completing the above procedures, the Filipino skilled workers will come to Japan.

That’s all.

When employing a foreign national who is residing in Japan under Specified Skill status, the above 7 ~ 10 procedures will be replaced with an application for permission to change the status of residence.

Please feel free to contact our company for more details, as some procedures are currently omitted due to the COVID-19.


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