先日、マリンメッセ福岡で開催された「FOOD STYLE Kyushu 2024」に、外国人材雇用に関する登録支援機関として参加してきました!
西日本最大級の展示会とあって、会場は熱気に包まれていました。 多くの企業が出展しており、活発な商談が行われていました。
私たちKUSのブースにも、たくさんの方にお立ち寄りいただき、 外国人材雇用に関するご相談はもちろん、KUSの事業内容や今後の展望についてなど、様々な意見交換をすることができました。
FOOD STYLE Kyushu 2024への参加は、KUSにとって非常に有意義な経験となりました。 多くの方との出会いに感謝し、今後の事業展開に活かしていきたいと思います。
We recently participated in “FOOD STYLE Kyushu 2024” held at Marine Messe Fukuoka as a registered support organization for foreign employment!
As one of the largest exhibitions in western Japan, the venue was filled with enthusiasm. Many companies were exhibiting, and active business discussions were taking place.
We received many visitors at our KUS booth, and we were able to have a variety of discussions, not only about consultations on foreign employment, but also about KUS’s business content and future prospects.
Participating in FOOD STYLE Kyushu 2024 was a very meaningful experience for KUS. We are grateful for the opportunity to meet so many people, and we will use this experience to further develop our business.
Finally, thank you very much to everyone who visited our booth!